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The Best Employees Want More Than Just Money. Here Are 6 Ways to Attract Them.

Decent pay is tablestakes. Six founders explain what actually keeps their top performers around.

No One Would Rent Me a Café In Trendy NYC Neighborhoods, So I Tried Something Risky. Now I Have Three Coffee Shops.

To get White Noise Cofee Co. off the ground, I had to believe that if I built my dream café, they would come.... wherever it was.

Vanesa Kim

Who Comes First, the Customer or the Employee?

Did the chicken or the egg come first? It is an age-old debate. But as an entrepreneur, should you value your employees or customers first?

Joanna Swash

3 Difficult Workplace Personalities That Are Great Hires

Before writing off these challenging candidates as "toxic," consider what they can contribute to your organization

Marina Glazman

How to Develop a Marketing Budget for Your Small Business

Should you invest in marketing? The short answer is yes. Here's why, plus a step-by-step guide to building an apt marketing budget that bolsters growth.

Fed Up With Red Tape? Here Are 3 Tactics to Advance Your Marketing Strategy and Stay On The Right Side of Regulators.

A multi-channel marketing strategy is key to scale your company, but red tape means heavily regulated industries fall short. Use these three tactics to advance your marketing strategy and stay on the right side of customers and regulators.

Douglas Wilber

Why Mental Health and Well-Being Should Be Your Top Recruitment and Retention Priority

Today's employees are seeking understanding, support and flexibility within their roles — and they will leave employers who don't give it to them. Here's what business owners and entrepreneurs need to know.

Alison Stevens

I Couldn't Sleep. I Obsessed Over My Failures. Then I Found the Weirdest Cure — Flyfishing?

It's easy to buckle under the stress of entrepreneurship. I was on my last leg when I gave in, and tried flyfishing. What I learned out there in the river surprised me.

Paul Kix

This Guy Saved Barbie From Cultural Extinction. He Did It by Asking One Big Question.

Not so long ago, sales of the tall, blonde doll were in a death spiral. Now Barbie is back in a big way.

Jason Feifer

Confused About Web3? Steve Aoki Dissects His Business to Show How You Can Make Money.

The DJ-turned-digital-entrepreneur has a gift for seeing the potential in strange things. Now, he's making a case for navigating the wild west of Web3.

Jessica Klein

How Do You Keep Learning When You're the Boss?

It's be helpful to create an unofficial "board" of advisors who you can consult with, and feel less alone.

Adam Bornstein