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Fed Up With Red Tape? Here Are 3 Tactics to Advance Your Marketing Strategy and Stay On The Right Side of Regulators.

A multi-channel marketing strategy is key to scale your company, but red tape means heavily regulated industries fall short. Use these three tactics to advance your marketing strategy and stay on the right side of customers and regulators.

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Personalization is no longer an optional business strategy: 71% of consumers expect personalized experiences with brands, and even more express frustration with businesses that miss the mark. But it's not enough to just personalize the message — you must also tailor the delivery to the consumer's channel of choice.

Gone are the days when brands could broadcast through a single platform. Today, the omnichannel customer experience reigns supreme, and that means the consumer is in the driver's seat. Omnichannel marketing is the seamless integration of branding, personalized messaging and online and offline touchpoints that create a more profound customer experience.

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