Starting a Business - Page: 10

Not sure how to start your business? Whether you're looking to start a small business or are searching for grants, discover all the steps to starting a business.

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The Founder of Mindvalley Wants to Transform and Reinvent Education. Here's Why.

The founder of Mindvalley shares why he started his platform and discusses his new book, "The 6 Phase Meditation Method."

Jessica Abo

3 Simple Steps to Help Startups Maximize Their Leads

Early-stage startups often work with limited resources and a small team of employees. This means that it's vital for every person to be able to capitalize on sales leads with the least amount of effort possible.

Ksana Liapkova

3 Traits That Turn a Side Hustle Into Wealth

How passion, persistence and discipline come together to make it happen.

Mary Hood

3 Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer to Achieve Longterm Business Success

Answer these three questions to help run your business smoothly and increase profit.

Mohamed Tohami

6 Things You Need to Research Before Creating Your Financial Projections

Financial projections are a key component of your business plan. Learn how to create realistic financial projections that impress investors and lenders and help you build a lasting business.

Dave Lavinsky

5 Non-Negotiables When Building a Successful Art Business

Every day, artists make a living from their art -- without sacrificing their passion or their creativity. Following these five steps, you can build a successful art business that supports you and your creative spirit.

Jodie King

This Teacher-Turned-Entrepreneur Started Tutoring Kids in Parks and Churches. Today, She Runs an Education Company with Nearly One Million Followers

The CEO and founder of Big City Readers talk about why she's on a mission to make reading fun for kids and their parents. Plus, what to do if you're afraid to take a leap in your career.

Jessica Abo

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

Need new inspiration for a business you can start with $10,000? Here are over 60 profitable business ideas you can run with now.

Shanee Moret Explains How to Build and Monetize Your Personal Brand

Business growth expert Shanee Moret shares how you can grow and monetize your personal brand without spending all day on social media.

Terry Rice

How to Be More Confident

Entrepreneurs need the confidence to lead and inspire. Here are some mental hacks that'll boost your confidence and generate greater success.

John Boitnott

How to Start an Airbnb Business Without Owning Property

You need to know these essential strategies when starting an Airbnb business by subleasing. This can be your first step towards creating long-term wealth for you, your family, and future generations.

Jorge Contreras

6 Easy Tips for Getting Your Real Estate Startup Off the Ground

Building a successful real estate brand in a saturated market can be tough -- it takes a solid plan and a commitment to stick to the basics.